Loudmouth prayer nation
Building a Mighty Army To Pray
Loudmouth Prayer Nation is a national prayer network connecting cities across the nation. We are made up of an army of prayer warriors and intercessors who are changing the nation through prayer. Currently, we have live prayer Zoom meetings for California, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Las Vegas, Miami, Seattle, Portland, ME, and Tulsa.
Through Spirit-led, Biblical teaching & live training, we are equipping you to live a lifestyle of prayer. Together we can cover this nation with prayer!
Rumble, YouTube, & Facebook
Recommended series from Marty:
we want to connect with you! click to learn more about how we are bringing healing to the nation.
Join a prayer group today:
Core Prayer Groups
We have a growing number of core prayer groups in several cities. If you are interested in joining a core prayer group for your region, click GROUPS page to see sign up. We meet online and plan future events in your area. This is a great way to put your prayers into action and save our nation!
Online Prayer
We know there is no distance in prayer. That’s why we get together online on a weekly basis with people of prayer across the country. Currently, we have live prayer for California, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Denver, Las Vegas, Miami, Portland(ME), Seattle and Tulsa. Click GROUPS page to see sign up.
Conferences & Meetings
We organize conferences and prayer meetings frequently at various places to get together with other “loudmouths” to unify under the Word of God and to get specific direction on how to pray.
Become a loud Mouth today
Pick a way to pray
Commit to praying every day
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Prayers for your family
We want to help you pray Spirit-led prayers from the Word of God. The enemy is coming against our kids and our families with full force.
But we have been given mighty weapons to overcome all the arrows that the enemy sends our way. Now is the time to raise your voice with boldness and confidence.
To get started, fill out the form below for some free resources you can use in your prayer life today!
Start Praying Today
Contact us
Use the form to join the Loudmouth prayer movement and receive updates, resources, and community news.
Be the first to know about events in your area.
Loudmouth Prayer
Tulsa, OK 74170-0149
Social Media
You can find us, follow us, and join our daily prayer on Facebook, Rumble, and YouTube.